Cooper JAP
The Cooper 1953 J.A.P. (J.A. Prestwich) 500cc single was recently purchased from the U.K. by a South Australian client. It was delivered to Adelaide with a fibreglass body, which unfortunately did not conform to C.A.M.S. regulations for racing. Marque Restoration were contracted to fabricate an aluminium body to the original specification, and paint it in period Carnation Red. Patterns were taken from another body and faithfully reproduced in aluminium.
Crafting the compound curves of the body from flat sheets of aluminium was a sheer joy. The nose cone was made in three sections, welded together by oxy-acelylene, using parent metal as the filler-rod. Very careful attention was paid to removal of flux residue, by scrubbing with water and then treating with 3% nitric acid solution, to ensure complete neutralisation of the flux. We find that oxy-acetylene welding has an annealing effect on the weld area, and makes subsequent metal finishing and shaping of the panel easier
Edges were either wired or returned, as per original specifications. Corners were subsequently welded with TIG to ensure no flux was included in this weld area, as TIG welding is a flux-free process.
After metal finishing, four coats of epoxy primer were applied. This was blocked back and the Standox 2K paint was applied to the exterior. The job was completed within budget and on time, to the immense satisfaction of another of our valued clients.